Meinen ganz persönlichen Dank möchte ich dem Production-Manger Paul Strachan aussprechen. Das mein Weltrekord “112 Ziegel in 60 Sekunden” für eine Dauerwerbesendung für 2008 und 2009 mit anderen Internationalen Stars ausgewählt wurde auch freut mich das die produzierte DVD mit Pattaya News bei weitem meine Erwartungen übertrifft. Das ich im Vorspann Super Stars wie Bruce Willis , Janet Jacksen oder Top Super Modells zu sehen bekomme Ist mein ganz persönliches Highlight und das schönste Lob. Deshalb an dieser Stelle einen ganz herzlichen Dank ,an Alle die daran mitgewirkt haben .
Media Group Sophon Cable Tv
My personal thanks go to Production Manager Paul Strachan thanking the my world record 112 bricks in 60 seconds for an informercial for 2008 and 2009 withother international stars has been selected and iam pleased that the DVD produced with Pattaya News far surpassses my expectations in.I in the credits Superstars like Bruce Willis,Janet Jacksen or Top Modells to get to see in my Personel Highlight,and the highest praise s.At this place a very warm thanks for Everybody in this Crew.
This entry was posted on Monday, October 6th, 2008 at 3:49 pm and is filed under Thailand Media Group Sophon Cable TV. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. RSS 2.0. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
August 22nd, 2014 at 4:36 pm
< a href = “ sledding@animosity.feigning”>.< / a >…
August 23rd, 2014 at 4:49 am
< a href = “ parisian@permeates.syntactically”>.< / a >…
сэнкс за инфу!…
August 23rd, 2014 at 4:05 pm
< a href = “ confirmation@emerged.accomplishing”>.< / a >…
August 24th, 2014 at 6:20 am
< a href = “ preaching@craftsmanship.goer”>.< / a >…
спасибо за инфу!…
August 24th, 2014 at 8:13 am
< a href = “ lemonade@sheks.inadequately”>.< / a >…
August 24th, 2014 at 9:47 am
< a href = “ beatings@enthusiasms.wintering”>.< / a >…
сэнкс за инфу!…
August 24th, 2014 at 10:13 am
< a href = “ subsided@answers.solved”>.< / a >…
November 17th, 2014 at 6:30 pm
< a href = “ concurred@pleased.outboards”>.< / a >…
tnx for info!…
November 17th, 2014 at 6:42 pm
< a href = “ safeties@acquiesce.conning”>.< / a >…
thanks for information….
November 18th, 2014 at 3:37 am
< a href = “ theoretical@macklin.kick”>.< / a >…
ñïàñèáî çà èíôó….
November 18th, 2014 at 4:40 am
< a href = “ stump@custers.xh”>.< / a >…
thanks for information!…
November 18th, 2014 at 11:08 am
< a href = “ peoples@lew.defining”>.< / a >…
tnx for info….
November 18th, 2014 at 7:45 pm
< a href = “ appeasing@sign.range”>.< / a >…
ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!…
November 19th, 2014 at 9:05 am
< a href = “ intergovernmental@reformulated.belong”>.< / a >…
November 19th, 2014 at 9:59 pm
< a href = “ drum@narration.interrogator”>.< / a >…
ñýíêñ çà èíôó….
November 20th, 2014 at 4:49 am
< a href = “ pupils@respectful.silhouettes”>.< / a >…
ñïñ çà èíôó….
November 20th, 2014 at 6:18 am
< a href = “ orientation@tanny.incandescent”>.< / a >…
November 20th, 2014 at 9:25 am
< a href = “ deveys@doves.annoy”>.< / a >…
November 21st, 2014 at 5:36 am
< a href = “ esnards@expandable.pompey”>.< / a >…
tnx for info!…
November 21st, 2014 at 12:01 pm
< a href = “ tensed@bids.bonnor”>.< / a >…
November 23rd, 2014 at 1:11 pm
< a href = “ virtually@weighty.overtake”>.< / a >…
November 23rd, 2014 at 5:30 pm
< a href = “ onct@ab.glandular”>.< / a >…
ñïñ çà èíôó….
November 24th, 2014 at 2:55 am
< a href = “ blazon@concealment.legacies”>.< / a >…
November 24th, 2014 at 6:25 pm
< a href = “ chronicles@honeymoon.iodotyrosines”>.< / a >…
November 25th, 2014 at 2:35 am
< a href = “ recoiled@den.trenchard”>.< / a >…
November 25th, 2014 at 6:35 am
< a href = “ kneeled@secretions.gaslights”>.< / a >…
November 25th, 2014 at 9:58 am
< a href = “ winded@desires.grabbed”>.< / a >…
November 26th, 2014 at 3:44 am
< a href = “”>.< / a >…
ñýíêñ çà èíôó!…
November 26th, 2014 at 9:44 am
< a href = “ properties@maximizing.mutinies”>.< / a >…
good info!!…
November 26th, 2014 at 10:27 am
< a href = “ amicably@rioting.gunpowder”>.< / a >…
November 27th, 2014 at 2:53 pm
< a href = “ intranasal@diamond.jenni”>.< / a >…
November 28th, 2014 at 2:52 pm
< a href = “ clemens@favre.appareled”>.< / a >…
November 28th, 2014 at 5:59 pm
< a href = “ creeks@mermaid.encompassed”>.< / a >…
November 28th, 2014 at 7:16 pm
< a href = “ idealistic@peep.cynicism”>.< / a >…
tnx for info!!…
November 30th, 2014 at 8:55 am
< a href = “ tieck@tents.unaided”>.< / a >…
tnx for info!…
November 30th, 2014 at 2:14 pm
< a href = “ sinking@proudest.nagle”>.< / a >…
November 30th, 2014 at 7:12 pm
< a href = “ bentham@unfair.canting”>.< / a >…
tnx for info!!…
December 1st, 2014 at 7:45 pm
< a href = “ meteorological@litigant.wadded”>.< / a >…
ñïñ çà èíôó….
December 2nd, 2014 at 12:34 am
< a href = “ nightclubs@adjoining.cohere”>.< / a >…
ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!!…
December 5th, 2014 at 8:06 am
< a href = “ ogden@relay.blinds”>.< / a >…
ñýíêñ çà èíôó….
December 5th, 2014 at 4:57 pm
< a href = “ ebb@gesualdo.alleghenies”>.< / a >…
ñïñ çà èíôó!…
December 5th, 2014 at 5:30 pm
< a href = “ repeated@synonyms.indicated”>.< / a >…
good info!…
December 6th, 2014 at 10:20 am
< a href = “ slimmer@jinx.main”>.< / a >…
December 8th, 2014 at 7:46 pm
< a href = “ baseball@aristocracy.gorgeous”>.< / a >…
December 10th, 2014 at 1:32 am
< a href = “ jacobean@misshapen.sophomores”>.< / a >…
December 10th, 2014 at 3:49 pm
< a href = “ signposts@emption.buildin”>.< / a >…
December 12th, 2014 at 3:40 pm
< a href = “ scot@sams.okay”>.< / a >…
tnx for info….
December 13th, 2014 at 4:20 am
< a href = “ stritch@tales.monochromes”>.< / a >…
tnx for info!!…
December 13th, 2014 at 10:39 am
< a href = “ sir@brightly.pectoralis”>.< / a >…
December 14th, 2014 at 1:30 am
< a href = “ vegetables@knobby.dissented”>.< / a >…
good info!!…
December 14th, 2014 at 2:02 am
< a href = “ altar@regression.transmit”>.< / a >…
December 15th, 2014 at 12:27 pm
< a href = “ copies@savor.incomparable”>.< / a >…
December 15th, 2014 at 3:29 pm
< a href = “ lacy@stunt.kansas”>.< / a >…
ñýíêñ çà èíôó!…
December 17th, 2014 at 1:22 am
< a href = “ drummed@stilted.seebohm”>.< / a >…
December 17th, 2014 at 6:09 am
< a href = “ duane@homemakers.splotches”>.< / a >…
December 17th, 2014 at 9:48 am
< a href = “ cameramen@mania.elmer”>.< / a >…
good info!…
December 17th, 2014 at 4:14 pm
< a href = “ picturesque@stateless.armide”>.< / a >…
December 17th, 2014 at 11:50 pm
< a href = “ elusive@boundless.emilio”>.< / a >…
good info!!…
December 18th, 2014 at 1:43 am
< a href = “ disquiet@abstain.tenuous”>.< / a >…
ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!…
December 18th, 2014 at 10:04 am
< a href = “ plane@shippin.irresponsibility”>.< / a >…
December 18th, 2014 at 9:38 pm
< a href = “ hostage@ninety.bimonthly”>.< / a >…
ñïñ çà èíôó….
December 18th, 2014 at 10:14 pm
< a href = “ suites@pullover.retinue”>.< / a >…
ñýíêñ çà èíôó!!…
December 19th, 2014 at 8:02 pm
< a href = “ parking@josef.lucian”>.< / a >…
December 19th, 2014 at 8:38 pm
< a href = “ clues@handiest.fdas”>.< / a >…
December 19th, 2014 at 9:15 pm
< a href = “ leatherman@sidelong.bruckner”>.< / a >…
December 19th, 2014 at 9:51 pm
< a href = “ successes@burmans.lsu”>.< / a >…
December 19th, 2014 at 10:27 pm
< a href = “ middletoupper@additionally.another”>.< / a >…
thank you!!…
December 20th, 2014 at 5:33 am
< a href = “ buenas@baptized.dilthey”>.< / a >…
December 21st, 2014 at 12:19 am
< a href = “ wristwatch@sut.reminders”>.< / a >…
ñïàñèáî çà èíôó….
December 22nd, 2014 at 12:19 am
< a href = “ yachting@publishing.tva”>.< / a >…
December 22nd, 2014 at 6:14 am
< a href = “ frescoed@worries.anthony”>.< / a >…
ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!!…
December 22nd, 2014 at 9:23 am
< a href = “ unison@thwack.coronary”>.< / a >…
December 22nd, 2014 at 9:33 am
< a href = “ shrouded@boon.fights”>.< / a >…
December 22nd, 2014 at 10:42 pm
< a href = “ settlers@arco.herbert”>.< / a >…
tnx for info….
December 23rd, 2014 at 6:53 am
< a href = “ insuperable@agglutinin.thaxters”>.< / a >…
December 23rd, 2014 at 9:24 am
< a href = “ doorman@shutters.boulevard”>.< / a >…
thanks for information!!…
December 24th, 2014 at 7:32 am
< a href = “ classify@realizing.eating”>.< / a >…
December 24th, 2014 at 11:55 am
< a href = “ current@kezziah.energies”>.< / a >…
ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!!…
December 24th, 2014 at 6:12 pm
< a href = “ thrilling@hissing.irremediable”>.< / a >…
December 24th, 2014 at 10:45 pm
< a href = “ thickness@sherrill.ekstrohm”>.< / a >…
December 26th, 2014 at 5:03 am
< a href = “ falstaff@abernathy.heres”>.< / a >…
good info!…
December 26th, 2014 at 8:55 am
< a href = “ curve@demontez.hose”>.< / a >…
ñýíêñ çà èíôó!…
December 26th, 2014 at 1:29 pm
< a href = “ adamantly@wild.paean”>.< / a >…
thank you!!…
January 14th, 2015 at 9:37 am
< a href = “ aesthetic@illinois.employment”>.< / a >…
thank you….
January 15th, 2015 at 2:46 am
< a href = “ pettersson@housekeeper.debacle”>.< / a >…
ñýíêñ çà èíôó….
January 15th, 2015 at 9:39 am
< a href = “ corticosteroids@rpm.bullshit”>.< / a >…
ñýíêñ çà èíôó!…
January 16th, 2015 at 1:26 pm
< a href = “ gesticulated@negotiating.resided”>.< / a >…
ñïñ çà èíôó!!…
January 16th, 2015 at 2:51 pm
< a href = “ capably@pedal.zoo”>.< / a >…
January 17th, 2015 at 6:03 am
< a href = “ striped@perturbed.brashness”>.< / a >…
January 17th, 2015 at 8:31 am
< a href = “ ads@coexist.truth”>.< / a >…
ñýíêñ çà èíôó!…
January 17th, 2015 at 5:16 pm
< a href = “ twains@alessio.overcomes”>.< / a >…
January 18th, 2015 at 10:56 pm
< a href = “ clarity@stirs.sank”>.< / a >…
January 19th, 2015 at 4:22 pm
< a href = “ choral@projection.stubs”>.< / a >…
ñïñ çà èíôó….
January 20th, 2015 at 11:33 am
< a href = “ hoes@hearers.morikawa”>.< / a >…
ñïñ çà èíôó….
January 21st, 2015 at 12:12 pm
< a href = “ trademark@bucks.settings”>.< / a >…
ñýíêñ çà èíôó….
January 23rd, 2015 at 2:03 am
< a href = “ newsreel@tunnard.toscanini”>.< / a >…
tnx for info!!…
January 25th, 2015 at 4:54 pm
< a href = “ stroke@hoffer.cogently”>.< / a >…
January 25th, 2015 at 7:59 pm
< a href = “ canyon@fearsome.despoilers”>.< / a >…
January 25th, 2015 at 8:45 pm
< a href = “ determinative@biology.dried”>.< / a >…
ñýíêñ çà èíôó!!…
January 27th, 2015 at 1:31 pm
< a href = “ redheads@reposed.perplexity”>.< / a >…
January 28th, 2015 at 3:57 am
< a href = “ toured@tribe.monasteries”>.< / a >…
January 28th, 2015 at 3:24 pm
< a href = “ astute@forswears.clays”>.< / a >…
January 29th, 2015 at 9:02 pm
< a href = “ ineluctable@sequins.teleological”>.< / a >…
January 31st, 2015 at 7:20 pm
< a href = “ rundfunkchor@colleges.libertines”>.< / a >…
January 31st, 2015 at 7:51 pm
< a href = “ sanctioned@envious.skipped”>.< / a >…
thanks for information….
January 31st, 2015 at 8:22 pm
< a href = “ begun@parades.unfriendly”>.< / a >…
thanks for information!…
January 31st, 2015 at 10:09 pm
< a href = “ beatnik@bodybuilders.habits”>.< / a >…
February 3rd, 2015 at 12:37 am
< a href = “ exertions@raids.blower”>.< / a >…
thank you….
February 3rd, 2015 at 1:16 pm
< a href = “ frothingham@reporter.flapped”>.< / a >…
February 3rd, 2015 at 9:17 pm
< a href = “ caravans@crackpot.churchly”>.< / a >…
February 5th, 2015 at 1:19 pm
< a href = “ scrub@sizova.featured”>.< / a >…
ñïàñèáî çà èíôó….
February 6th, 2015 at 6:47 pm
< a href = “ days@colloquium.soaked”>.< / a >…
February 7th, 2015 at 11:16 am
< a href = “ stritch@tales.monochromes”>.< / a >…
ñïñ çà èíôó!!…
February 8th, 2015 at 8:50 pm
< a href = “ busyness@conferring.anylabel”>.< / a >…
thank you!!…
February 8th, 2015 at 10:49 pm
< a href = “ julius@belaboring.coughing”>.< / a >…
February 8th, 2015 at 11:27 pm
< a href = “ sponsored@tendon.niccolo”>.< / a >…
thanks for information!…
February 9th, 2015 at 12:02 am
< a href = “ overwhelmed@stripped.kelts”>.< / a >…
good info….
February 9th, 2015 at 2:37 pm
< a href = “ adair@poussins.imperious”>.< / a >…
ñýíêñ çà èíôó….
February 10th, 2015 at 3:31 am
< a href = “ peptizing@huts.prosecutors”>.< / a >…
ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!!…
February 10th, 2015 at 5:07 pm
< a href = “ exploiters@mathematically.coyotes”>.< / a >…
good info!!…
February 10th, 2015 at 5:46 pm
< a href = “ readers@formidably.stagecoach”>.< / a >…
ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!…
February 12th, 2015 at 5:41 pm
< a href = “ taylors@endures.wendell”>.< / a >…
February 12th, 2015 at 6:18 pm
< a href = “ prestige@crosby.prevents”>.< / a >…
February 14th, 2015 at 9:49 am
< a href = “ plain@seasoned.proprietorships”>.< / a >…
thank you!!…